Tuesday, December 8, 2009

An Introduction to the Meth Lab Problem!

Methamphetamine are a group of substances, most of them synthetic and used in the form of crystalline hydrochloride. These amphetamine derivatives are potent stimulant drugs that cause a stimulating effect on the central nervous system as well as suppress the appetite of the consumer. They can be injected, snorted, smoked or ingested orally resulting in increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and the rate of breathing. Upon withdrawal, the side effects include nervousness, irritability, increased violent behaviour, paranoia and severe depression.

These days the meth lab problem is growing vast with insufficient patrolling. Meth labs, which are used to make illegal methamphetamine drugs, are found in houses, apartments, motel rooms, sheds, or even motor vehicles.. In short they can be discovered at any nook and corner which one wouldn't have even imagined..! Previously due to vigilant curbing of the meth labs, the chemical substances used for manufacturing of these illicit drugs was placed on a list of watched chemicals by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. As a result, methamphetamine manufacturers developed alternative methods using common household chemicals. As the problem grows incessantly, and agencies seek to restrict the products needed to manufacture methamphetamine, the methods and the locations of its production are changing. This aggravates the problems health and environmental agencies face in evaluating meth related health risks.

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